Deliveries on Tuesdays and Fridays up to 10km from store. Order cut off day prior.

The J.E.R.F. Project~ Tastings this Saturday 13th Feb 2016, 11am-1pm!

The J.E.R.F. Project~ Tastings this Saturday 13th Feb 2016, 11am-1pm!

J.E.R.F. stands for “Just eat real food”, which we at New Harvest whole heartedly agree with! What a great opportunity to meet Melissa and try some of her beautiful creations this Saturday in store! Here’s a little bit more about the JERF Project:



For people who have only discovered the JERF Project, let us share our ‘Why”

In our partnership in both marriage and business good food has been about celebration, connection and love as well as nutritious fuel for our families’ body and mind.


Melissa has had a long deep seeded core value in nutrition and has loved the creation and delivery of beautiful, real food. We share a passion for the sensations of raw, natural flavours”

Some of the delicious food creations you will find in store are the Protein Goji Bars, Paleo Wraps, Nutri Bread & Chia Puddings! All made with Organic Ingredients ~ Hooray!

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“The JERF Projects” vision is clear:

“Make the conscious decision to only accept real food to fuel your body”







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